And my goodness I still haven't put up any pictures of boy's socks. They are very much done and given to boy. He wears them, I think. Well he must because they've been washed. I'm glad they didn't fall to pieces in the wash, that always worries me.
A while back I started the Branching Out scarf and here's a picture of what the lace looks like so far.
I haven't been working on it as much though, because I've started a new project! The Hug from magknits. It's basically sleeves. I needed my 10.5 needles from the Harry Potter scarf, so that's why it got done so quickly. I'm using some yarn from the stash I got from Bea. I have no idea what it is. It's black, stretchy, kind of oily, and kind of glittery. So we'll see. My gauge is a bit off but I hope that's just cause I am using a rib pattern.
Oh gosh so much updating. I also went to Hobby Lobby this weekend and bought a basket thing to hold all my knitting crap in so it's not strewn across my bedroom floor. It's ugly, but works well and was half off. I'll get pictures of that too sometime.
Okay I think that's all. For now.
heh woah a sidebar status thingamajobber wow
Ooh I like your Branching Out, very nice, I've had to rip mine out about a million times because I suck :) But I'm getting there! Great Ravenclaw scarf in post above too, don't you hate it how it always gets hot when you have a FO!?
MissMeshell from Craftster xx
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